Friday Breakfasts

We meet for breakfast every Friday morning at 7:30am, Zaggers Cafe, Chapel St, Tauranga.

The Scribe will open the meeting by advising they type of meeting that is booked to take place (as detailed below). Before the meeting starts, the scribe will request any new applications for submission, guest speakers to approach, businesses to visit or other general Ice Cube activities.

The meeting will then continue in a very open forum for as long as any or all members are able to attend - normally 8:30am but sometimes up to 9am.

New Member Meetings:
It is up to new members to familiarise themselves with the businesses of the group before attending their first breakfast. In this way, a simple introduction will be made at the first meeting and the new member can take more time to describe their current business situation. Attendees can then take further time to ask questions and discuss the new business in depth.

Red Flag Meetings:
Any member may send out a Red Flag Alert at any time prior to the Friday meeting. This alert must include a general overview of the current situation, challenge or stress being faced by that member plus any available background information, scenarios assessed or actions already taken.

This then gives everyone the opportunity to consider the issue further, and gather any additional reference information or examples required in time for the next meeting.

Red Flag Meetings will then be focused on discussing, critiquing and brainstorming the issue at hand. It is entirely up to the member concerned to accept or reject any of the recommendations proposed. They may also choose to have a more indepth meeting with one or more selected members after the Friday breakfast.

General Update Meetings:
Everyone is given 5mins to give a brief update of their business situation and current health & fitness. When the Egg Timer bell sounds they must pass to the next person, whether or not they are finished.

The Scribe will take very brief notes for email circulation after the meeting and to help keep other members updated.

At the end of the general updates and if further time is available, the scribe may offer the floor to a member facing a particular issue needing further discussion.